Raising awareness of the importance of talking about dying, death and bereavement.

Every year in May, the Trust joins forces with Dying Matters and other members including NHS England and Hospice UK during Dying Matters Awareness Week to shine the light on the importance of discussing dying.

This year, the theme is 'Dying to be heard'. For more people to talk about dying, death and grief, the more people must be willing to listen. It can feel hard to be part of a conversation about death, so for Dying Matters Awareness Week 2020 the focus is going to be on talking about listening. 

This is exactly what our Butterfly Volunteer Service do, listen, and they're very good at it. The Butterfly Volunteers are there to listen to both the patient and their families and can help with the conversation about dying. They are there for our patients at the end of their lives and for their families in their grief.

The Butterfly Service is fully funded by our Hospital Charity and their invaluable work wouldn't be possible without kind donations or funding. To learn more about the service or to pledge your support please Click here