Lauren Cooper, a PE teacher from Stevenage, had to have her leg amputated after a wall fell on her during Storm Eunice in February but she has already set her sights on completing our Rainbow Run to thank the NHS staff who have helped her learn to walk again.

Lauren was taken to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge after the accident and had to have her left leg amputated below the knee.

The 31-year-old then started physiotherapy at Lister Hospital in Stevenage to learn to walk again, using her new prosthetic leg.

Inspired by the care she has received, Lauren has now signed up with a group of friends to take on the Rainbow Run to raise funds to thank the physiotherapy team at Lister Hospital. 

Lauren said: “I’m an active person, a PE teacher, netball player and hiker so I was devastated. It has been really difficult. When I first met my physiotherapist, Matt, I burst into tears, but he very calmly pulled up a chair and started talking to me.

“I want to raise funds to thank the whole physiotherapy team. What they do is amazing. They have listened to me, laughed with me, fought my corner and given me the confidence to keep pushing on. 

“They haven’t just helped me with the practical elements of learning to walk again, they have helped me mentally and genuinely care about how I am.

“When I saw the Rainbow Run advertised, I decided to give myself a challenge. I may not run it, I may walk it, but I have a great team of teacher friends that have signed up to do it with me so, one way or another, I will finish a 5k – just seven months after losing my leg!”

If you have been inspired by Lauren’s story and want to sign up to the Rainbow Run, go to: – and to sponsor Lauren visit:

To read more on Lauren’s story, visit: