Buy a cuppa for the maternity and neonatal teams

In partnership with the Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership, we are inviting you to buy a hot drink, snack or a sweet treat for the maternity and neonatal teams to thank them for all that they do.

They work incredibly hard to provide care, compassion and support to all their patients and their families so help us celebrate the maternity and neonatal teams.

If you’d like to send a message of gratitude for the team, please add a comment with your donation and we will pass it on to the team. 

Your donations help to put a smile on the faces of midwives at brilliant events like these!

Here are some of the comments we have received with kind donations: 

Thank you for all your support in August 2021 for the birth of my daughter Arya Suri. Wishing you all a very happy and healthy Christmas. Love Tanya xx

Thank you for all the care I received in 2022 May when my son was born. You are heroes!

Thank you to all the Lister maternity team, and especially to Sophie Copping who is currently supporting me through a second pregnancy (hopefully soon to end!). The continuity of care to see the same midwife 2 years later has been amazing!

Thank you so much to the wonderful midwives at the Lister who helped deliver our baby girl at the beginning of January. You are all incredible and we are so grateful to you x x

Buy a cuppa for the maternity and neonatal teams